Commission Info

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All prices are in USD. Be sure to read the terms of service!


An unrefined drawing with minimal color.

Bust: $6
Halfbody: $10
Fullbody: $15

flat color

An inked and colored drawing without shading.

Bust: $10
Halfbody: $16
Fullbody: $20

cel shaded

Shaded with shapes.

Bust: $16
Halfbody: $25
Fullbody: $35


Usually lineless, featuring soft shading.

Bust: $25
Halfbody: $40
Fullbody: $60

doodle sheet

A page of doodles that capture a character's personality.

Flat color: $40
Cel shaded: $50


Abstract background: Free
Simple background scene: +50% price
Complex background scene: +100% price
Extra characters: +100% price each

I won't draw:

Commissions are currently OPEN!
Email me at to inquire.

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